Our Clients

Hargrove International, Inc. partners, Cheryl Hargrove and John Bauser, have worked with a plethora of private companies, government agencies, and non-profit and destination marketing organizations in the U.S. and around the world.  Here are a few examples of where we’ve worked, with whom, and the type of consultation provided.  Work samples and references are available upon request.

Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)

  • READY Nonprofit Technical Assistance and Grant Program (September 2020-present): Program designer, instructors, and manager of an online training program and resource center for board development, fundraising, financial management, programs & operations, marketing communications, and human capital. Since the program’s inception, over 200 Appalachian-based nonprofit organizations (during six cohort sessions) received expert training in one or more of six topics. The free online resource center offers curated content to over 1,200 users in the U.S. As managers of the ARC program, READY Nonprofits, Hargrove International serves as the content creator, registrar, resource directory curator, and grant concept consultant. Hargrove International also worked with its technology partner, Foresite Consulting, to develop, maintain, and enhance the program’s online learning platform.
  • Appalachian Gateway Communities Initiative–a partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts and Conservation Fund (since 2007): Program contributor, coach/instructor, and presenter at the multi-day workshop where selected teams create action plans for arts/community/economic development projects. Post-workshop grants provide seed money to help implement action plan priorities.

Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area

  • Proprietary House Feasibility Study (September 2022-July 2023): Investigated and recommended viable uses and the potential heritage tourism impact of the site on the community, state, and visitors. Conducted an on-site assessment of the National Historic Landmark located in Perth Amboy (New Jersey), organized and facilitated a series of stakeholder meetings, analyzed the responses of an online survey, and worked with the architectural/ archaeological team to define interpretive themes, sustainable visitor experiences, and heritage tourism potential for the last remaining Royal Governor’s House in the United States (where William Franklin, Ben Franklin’s son, lived as the last royal governor of New Jersey.)
  • New Jersey Experience Center Feasibility Study and Business Plan (September 2021- present): Provided trends in visitor centers and identified opportunities to expand heritage tourism in New Jersey through a central information and education center in Trenton.
  • America 250 Visitor Readiness Assessment of Historic Sites (December 2019-June 2020): Presented informational workshops on visitor readiness and heritage tourism trends, conducted on-site assessments for 30 historic sites, reviewed criteria and conditions for enhancing experiences at various heritage attractions in the state, and created a strategy to prioritize development and interpretive activities/funding to prepare for RevWar 250 in 2026.

Louisiana Office of Tourism

  • Byways Program Assessments (ongoing): On-site visits to visually document the attractions, activities, and experiences along designated byways. Assessments include the location and condition of signage, the availability of visitor services, the identification of distinct lodging, dining, retail, and recreation, and the evaluation of interpretation, accessibility, and hospitality along the route.
  • Statewide Birding Trail Update (June 2023): Created a dedicated website to collect nominations, record on-site assessments, score sites with specific criteria, and add other information relevant to the location and visitor experience. Working with Louisiana-based naturalists (Audubon Society, SEG Environmental, and Bill Fontenot, one of the original birding trail consultants) and Foresite Consulting, the team compiled and analyzed site and bird species information into six regions with at least one selected site in each parish.
  • Rural Tourism Conference (annually): Assist the Louisiana Office of Tourism with agenda content and speaker identification, and present on relevant topics with information that can be actioned along the byways and in rural destinations.

UGA Sea Grant

Black/African American/Gullah Geechee Economic Development Research Project for Coastal Georgia (February 2021-present): Leading a diverse team to create a six-county inventory of existing Black/African American/Gullah Geechee businesses and entrepreneurs, produce a COVID-19 impact report, define tourism needs and opportunities for growth, conduct a gap analysis, and offer various business development training workshops.

What Clients Say . . .

Appalachian Scenic Drives

As a follow-up to the inaugural Appalachian MapGuide produced in partnership with National Geographic, the Appalachian Regional Commission contracted for...

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Streetside Storytellers

Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area commissioned Hargrove International to create a virtual instruction program for local site...

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Helping Nonprofits in Appalachia

Hargrove International is pleased to work with the Appalachian Regional Commission to offer custom coaching assistance to nonprofit organizations impacted...

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Examples of Prior Work

  • Mercer Cemetery Heritage Tourism Plan (May 2023): Conducted an on-site assessment of the urban cemetery in downtown Trenton, New Jersey; investigated how other cemeteries utilized their sites for appropriate visitation and revenue generation (tours, special events); and prioritized steps/strategies for sustainable heritage tourism once the cemetery has been restored.
  • Georgia’s Trail of Legacy Lore (May 2023): Directed primary heritage tourism research, conducted on-site assessments of 30 trail attractions in seven communities, facilitated member planning workshops, and organized a rebranding effort for Georgia’s Antebellum Trail to update its name and refine its product to be more inclusive and representative of the region.
  • Streetside Storytellers” (March 2022): Created curriculum, secured instructors, set up an online portal, and conducted a 10-week course for a dozen participants on how to research, develop, and deliver authentic tours as part of Crossroads of the American Revolution Heritage Area’s preparation for the country’s 250th anniversary beginning in 2026.
  • “Teaching Through Tourism” National Symposium (November 2021): In partnership with the Educational Travel Consortium, organized a multi-day symposium to address the opportunities for cultural heritage tourism practitioners and educational travel planners post-COVID.
  • Bellingham (Washington) Cultural Tourism Plan Update (2017-2022) – Conducted onsite site assessments and stakeholder meetings to establish the foundation for an inclusive strategic plan; helped update the plan post-COVID. 
  • Greater Cumberland Committee Governance & Board Development (2021): Facilitated a day-long Board Retreat and assisted this tri-state economic development organization to improve its governance in the context of a five-year comprehensive strategic plan.
  • The Clinch River Valley Initiative (2018-19): Under the auspices of the Friends of Southwest Virginia and the Upper Tennessee River Roundtable, facilitated this organization’s first comprehensive strategic plan addressing its organizational structure, staffing, governance, funding, communications, programs, and partnerships.
  • Historic Greenwood Gardens Strategic Plan (2015-2021): Facilitated this historic house and gardens’ first comprehensive strategic plan; was subsequently retained to provide (over a four-year period) ongoing assistance with board development and fundraising.

Other Former Clients / Projects

  • American Express Company – Cultural Heritage Tourism Concept Marketing Plan
  • Appalachian Regional Commission – Grant Reviewer
  • Ashoka Changemakers – Geotourism Summits
  • Center for Rural Entrepreneurship – Red Cloud (Nebraska) Heritage Tourism Project (Willa Cather’s home)
  • Center for U.S. – China Arts Exchange – Leadership Forum, Heritage Tourism plan for Weishan Valley (Yunnan Province)
  • City of San Antonio (Texas) – Cultural Tourism Infrastructure and Marketing Assessment
  • Clinch River Valley (Southwest Virginia) – Strategic Plan
  • HandMade in America (Western North Carolina) – Creative Economies Institute Business Plan; Developing a Regional Trails Guidebooks (Craft/Heritage, Agritourism)
  • Henry, Mercer and rural Rock Island, Illinois – Research Report & Strategic Plan
  • Historic Annapolis Foundation – Site Assessment Reports
  • Historic Natchez (MS) Foundation – Historic House Report
  • ITI Marketing, Inc. – Workshop Facilitator, Destination Content
  • Kansas Department of Commerce, Tourism – 10-year State Byways Management & Marketing Plan
  • Ludington & Mason County (Michigan) – Cultural Economic Development Plan
  • National Endowment for the Arts – Cultural Capital Business Plan
  • Oxford (Mississippi) – Heritage Tourism Assessment & Recommendation Report
  • Phoenix International Publishing – Essential Shopping Guide to the U.S.
  • Richmond Hill (Georgia) – Visioning Workshop for Downtown
  • Sequoyah Birthplace Museum (Tennessee) – Marketing & Sustainability Plan
  • SW Associates – Cultural Heritage Tourism Report for the U.S. (as part of a USAID project for Egypt)
  • Texas Heritage Trails LLC – Business Plan
  • Universal Companies, Philadelphia (PA) – Music Tourism Strategic Plan
  • US-AID (for Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina) – Cultural Heritage Tourism Workshops (culinary, craft, and home hosting programs)
  • Visit Montreal (Quebec, Canada) – Geotourism Charter & Mapguide
  • Warren County (North Carolina) – Marketing Plan
  • World Learning for U.S. State Department Tourism Leadership Program (Serbia and Kosovo) – Cultural Heritage Tourism Assessment, Workshop