Why is marketing important?

 Marketing generates interest, conveys uniqueness, and compels action. Great marketing helps nonprofit organizations distinguish themselves from the competition through dynamic images, targeted messages, and engaging content. Effective marketing begins with solid research to instruct design and distribution. Optimally, the integrated marketing activities cross platforms to present a consistent brand. Communication is a strategy to convey […]

Texas Heritage Trails LLC Business Plan

This award-winning program from the Lone Star State recognized the need to set a course for fiscal sustainability and independence. Eight members of the state heritage trail program joined together to form a limited liability corporation (LLC) and began identifying potential products and programs to generate revenue for trails’ development, marketing, and management. Hargrove led […]

Kansas Byways Management & Marketing Plan (2010-2020)

With a team of research, planning and marketing experts, HTC Partners parent company Hargrove International helped the state of Kansas update the policies, procedures and promotional strategies to strengthen the byway program and its brand promise. The year-long planning project included a series of byway leader workshops, community meetings, and stakeholder interviews to define priorities […]